A Textured Hair Style Guide For Black Women With Natural 4a Hair
If you’re new to the world of natural hair, chances are you’ve encountered a few stunning curl hairstyles that you adore and tried to duplicate on your own hair with more failures than wins. The problem is this: You’ll be able to determine whether hairstyles will or won’t suit your curl pattern if you understand the many natural hair patterns — including their texture, shape, and curl factor.
There are ways to make your most popular hairstyles work for you, even though a wash-and-go style for a 3C 4A hair type won’t produce the same results on a 4B hair type. This guide on natural hairstyles is meant to assist you in learning more about 4a hair type and curl patterns.
Type 4 hair is of different kinds, and it is important to understand which one aligns with your hair type.
1.Type 4a hair
Type 4a consists of medium-sized, loosely packed curls. The curl pattern is very springy S-shaped and can be measured to the size of a crochet needle. The curls are not as interlocked as other types 4 curl patterns. 4a hair strands curl/spiral away from the neighboring hair strands independently.
4a curly hair type is more prone to dryness and can quickly lose moisture. You must invest in natural hair butter and essential oils to prevent your hair from breaking or damaging. You can try almond, coconut, avocado, jojoba, Jamaican black castor oil, and more to treat your 4c natural hair. These oils are highly recommended because they have fatty acids which are useful in reducing hair loss, increasing hair growth and giving intense hydration to hair strands.
You can keep moisturizing your 4a hair with water by spritzing your hair and scalp with it. It is probably best to buy a spray bottle for this daily haircare ritual. Once you’re done with this, you can take any oil mix or hair oil and massage them into your scalp. This will seal all the hydration into your hair strands.
You need to remember that 4a hair type has naturally defined curly strands, which makes them easier to style than other type 4 hair. Moreover, this hair type is less prone to breakage since it has loose curls.
2. 4b Hair
Type 4b hair strands have dense curls and are tighter than 4a. They look like tight curls but aren’t as packed as 4c curls. 4b has a zig-zag pattern to them and makes a vertical curl. They are also less defined and smaller than other curls. 4b hair can be thin, coarse or wiry and usually look very fluffy. This hair type experiences a lot of shrinking and is prone to breakage. This is why it is highly recommended that you do not neglect your 4b hair type.
Since your hair is more prone to drying, it tends to lose its shine. They can also get tangled, which makes them immensely difficult to manage. In order to get healthy and shiny 4b tresses, you need to start using hair oil before washing them off with shampoo. This can be followed up with a deep conditioning routine. You can use a leave-in or water-based conditioner. You can seal the moisture by applying other hair butter to make your curls more defined and bouncy.
3. 4c Hair
4c hair type gives that beautiful bold and thick frost. The curl pattern incorporates tight, small coils and springs. Coils are definitely different from coils. 4c hair type is tightly tied around itself, which results in breakage. So this shows that if the curl pattern is tighter, it will be more prone to breakage. This hair type is dry and doesn’t retain much moisture. Therefore, you also require hair butter, oil, and leave-in conditioners to increase hair elasticity.
4A hair has startling volume and gorgeous, well-defined curls despite little effort. You’ll love everything there is about your mane after you master the details of styling your coils.
Having said that, this post has all the information you require to style your 4A natural hair and has answered all your questions. If you require assistance with 4a hair or want to try your hands on hair extensions, you can connect to Indique hair for all your requirements.